Friday, June 21, 2013

My American Apparel Fashion Crush...

I haven't blogged in a while, as I have been busy with life.  So here goes a new blog that I plan to keep up with.  Now that it's summer and I have the time and opportunity, I'd like to share my thoughts about various items.  In particular the relationship that I have going on with my high waist Riding Pants from American Apparel.  I love them!  I have them in two colors: village green and navy.  So far I have worn them in various states of weather and I must say they are very comfortable and versatile. They can be worn in a variety of ways. You just need to have vision. Below see pics of my AA riding pants. 

American Apparel High Waist Riding Pants
Village Green and Navy

They are $74 retail. If you register with American Apparel you may be able to get a deal with a discount code and free shipping.  You can also look for them on eBay but make sure you check your size on the American Apparel website first.  They're  stretchy and come in many sizes. They're totally worth it, and are my legging crush right now. 

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